Skills to develop...

12:08 PM

Sekarang mood utk membaca buku adalah membuak-buak.... =)

Dalam this year ai dah tercapai my goal utk baca at least 15 buah buku -self development,financial, biz online,health, buku agama ,NLP etc.alhamdulliah...skrang dah baca hampir 19 buah buku aje..irfan khairi baca buku setahun 200 buah buku....

one of the best book yang ai suka adalah Jack Canfield -
How to get from where You Are to Where You Want to Be! of the principle that he had teach and advice to practice is to develop 4 new habits/skills every year..habits/skills yang tak pernah kita buat selama ini..contohnya belajar bahasa asing, menjahit, mengait, berenang,etc...apa2 shaja yang kita rasa teringin nak buat tapi tidak berkesempatan...if setahun dapat 4 skills- then 5 tahun kita dah boleh develop 20 skills pada diri kita...

macam tahun ini, I setkan kene ada blog sendiri....kene buat sendiri for online biz..then i start even I have zero knowledge...
i just need to start the engine n to moved on...kita tak perlu sempurna untuk I dptkan sendiri knowledge from other people experienced, find a role model, cari mentor, pegi seminar, baca buku, cari source dlm internet dan banyak lagi.... any skills we can develop..trusts me...apa bende pun mesti ada permulaan...=)...alhamdulliah skrang for my online biz, i dapat order sampai ke Greece..syukur kepadaNya...

this year pun i setkan untuk i belajar buat alhamdulliah...jadi jugak...sedap jugak...ada jugak yang puji....thanks...rajin tak rajin jer nak buat..=)

tapi satu bende yang i x sempat nak buat ada utk dapatkan lesen scuba diving....tak sempat...takde masa...hope next year i can get it....nak jugak tengok alam lautan ciptaan yang maha esa.....

4 skills to develop by 2010
1) To become NLP/ hypnosis Practitioner
2) Scuba Divers
3) Belajar buat pastry
4) Belajar menulis ebook/buku
* nak jugak belajar tunggang kuda atau belajar memanah....

so whats yours..? jom share same-same....

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  1. tahniah perut!
    jom kita scuba plak thn depan.

  2. Hi Fairus,
    How are you? Tak sempat nak jumpa before i gi Doha. Tak per.. next time we go out when I come back to Malaysia. Anyway, saw your target for skills to develop in year 2010 and one of them (the first one) is what my dad's doing.
    It's good to know that you're reading a lot of books as well. I've not been reading that much since I start working. The only books that I love to read is novels. My father who is an avid reader has been trying to get me read those books that you've been reading.. Hahah.. without success except for 2 books which is Robert Kiyosaki and The Richest Man in Babylon. Now that I have some spare time here in Doha and stumbling upon you blog, make me wanna try to read those kinda books again.
    Anyway, keep in touch..


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