How do you motivate yourself..??

10:57 PM

Our attitude is controlled by our feeling....
Our feeling is controlled by our emotion...
Am i rite??
It is all about the way we motivate to ourselves...
We have an inner voice inside our heart that always give support to get move, to be energized, and to get the confidence....

hurm.....anyway before this, im sort of person yang selalu moody.. not becoz of PMS..but the way i talked to myself.... slalu fikir negatif before doing something ..... i like to think the other way round.. so i always looked down to my capability.... afraid to try new things....and always be in comfort zone...
but then after read a book by Anthony Robbins- Awaken the Giant Within (my first self help book yang i beli) about 2 years ago, then i realized about the wrong way i treat to i try to change and improve myself from time to time..... i believe in continuous and never ending improvement...

this is one of the way that i motivate to myself......AFFIRMATION...

this is my board... ia tidak cantik dan tidak terurus.....i m not really creative untuk susun nya cantik2.... dulu saya tampal gambar2 "what i want to achieve before 30.."...tetapi saya sudah tampalnya di dalam my "Dream Book"...( later i akan cerita ).....
sorry dengan tulisan yang agak buruk ..macam kanak2 darjah 6...hanya saya sahaja yang faham...saya tulis AFFIRMATION yang saya akan bacanye tiap2 hari sebelum saya keluar rumah.... =)....ia akan memberikan kesan positif terhadap minda pemikiran kita.....

close up dengan lebih dekat lagi......saya sangat suke banner ini.....ia dibeli di MPH 5/6 bulan yang lepas....ini adalah salah satu cara lagi supaya saya sentiasa berada dalam keadaan positif.....
what will i do??....every morning i just closed my eyes, n pointkan satu jari ke salah satu kotak pada banner tersebut.... saya perlu lakukan apa yang ditulis pada kotak tersebut ....its really fun and enjoyed....tetapi saya slalu dapat kotak "hug ur pet"...i dun have any terpaksa pejam mata semula dan cari kotak yang lain pula..... best kan.....??

so ini sahaja buat kali time saya akan sambung lagi cara yang lain pula....okey...
sharing is caring....

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  1. i'll definitely will have that board soon. It's an useful aid to keep us motivated :) i want to be gorgeous too

  2. bestnya..pagi2 sure rasa x sabar nak buat kalau ada board tuh.kena cari nih.

  3. it as your habit every morning....
    it will attract more positive energy to you..!! good luck ya...!!
    Peace...and cheers always... =)

  4. i wonder if there's a sticker..
    that can last in the bathroom mirror
    ladies usually spent ridiculous time in there..haha



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