27th Jan 2011

1:01 PM

last week , 27th Jan was my bday - 30th...
skrang sudah masuk angka 3.....thanks to hubby , farah n yus to surprise me n celebrate together...
ingatkan xde lagi org nak celebrate sbb dah tua pun....huhuh...
nothing much to say.....gambar ni di ambil dari fb -farah ......sorry i comot....pakai tudung yg sama ..tak make up....fetch my hubby dari lrt then terus g sunway pyramid....anyway, mmg kenyang sgt... =)

yeah....happy bday to me.....!!

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  1. k.ana baru nk komen tny peknen ke...npk berisi smcm jer heehe..baca entri bwh..baru tauu

    congrats!!n happy bday...

  2. Happy Birthday again dear!

    Welcome to motherhood and welcome to the 3 series club! Hihi ;)

  3. happy besday iza...

    i dah follow blog u..
    sila la ke rumah usang saya...


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