why im still single.... ?

11:42 AM

why im still single.... ?
my relatives n friends keep asking me the same question ...
nah...i x nak kawin ke..?
of coz i want....
but until now im still the same..
am i regret?
inilah dinamakannye jodoh..
im trying but we'll see
doakan saya berjumpa with mr right soon...
now i need to focus other important things...

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  1. hehe.. just go on with your life and dont bother bout what ppl say... :)
    dulu sebelum i kawin, orang sibuk tanya bila nak kawin, macam la dorang ni take care sangat..bila i dah kawin tanya pulak bila nak ada anak.. bila ada anak nanti org tanya lak result exam anak, pastu tanya anak masuk skolah mana, univ mana... pastu mula lah nak compare anak kita ngan anak dorang.. huiii.. trust me soklan ni mmg takkan habis...

    so i just ignore jer.. hehehehe... sbb i tau org takkan habis bertanya..

  2. well, i dont think u need to justify yourself to others why u still single or what not..
    when it comes it comes..no worry..

    so, just be happy and live your life to the fullest..

  3. the good answer is aku bukan tuhan nk tentukan jodoh sendiri..aku dah cuba tapi masih belum jumpe yg sesuai..

    kalo ade ayat tambahan..ko nie memilih sgt ker?

    ade yng berkenan tapi jodohnya belum kuat..insyaallah sampai masanya nnti, aku bg laa kad.

    (kalo tak paham bahse gak tak taulah)

  4. thanks for the advice...
    yeah i dun think much about it but some people a bit skeptical about all this thing...i love what im doing now..just in a matter of time...yup...i agree..people love to talk about people..we cannot stop them...aheh..

    thanks mogen for the translation..aheh =)

  5. Demi masa, Tuhan sentiasa bersama hamba-Nya yg bersabar... tika paling bahgia bila Yg Esa merahmati 'jiwa-jiwa yang tenang'...

    (maksudnya dah dkt la tu... sbb ramai yg bertanya=do'a,

    Tuhan Maha Mendengar segala.)


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